FJC’s Satisfaction Insights surveys of this past summer from over 10k campers and 3.5k staff confirm that camps continue to struggle managing the overwhelming mental health challenges facing both campers and staff. Thanks to a significant grant expansion from The Marcus Foundation, renewed funding from UJA Federation of NY, and a new grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, FJC now awards grants to 102 day and overnight camps in the Yedid Nefesh initiative, nearly one-third of FJC’s network receiving support. Through this effort, FJC provides camps funding to hire mental health professionals, trainings for their staff, and communities of practice to build networks of support for these professionals.

Last summer, 46 camps
receiving Yashar grants and
training served almost 3,000
campers with disabilities,
200 vocational education
participants, and employed
200 staff with disabilities.