The field of Jewish camp finally convened together in person again for the first time in close to five years. Leaders Assembly 2022 – our 9th and largest field-wide conference yet – generated a renewed sense of energy and optimism about the future of Jewish camp. We hosted over 800 day and overnight camp professionals, lay leaders, federation partners, educators, thought leaders, and funders in Atlanta in December and challenged them to, “Imagine What’s Possible,” and dream big about our shared future.
The energy during the three days was palpable – in every plenary, breakout session, meal, and affinity group meeting, you could feel the positivity of a field reunited and recharged. Feedback from participants confirms they left feeling inspired, connected, and ready to envision a bright future for the field of Jewish camp.
Moreover, the conference was an emphatic endorsement of our Foundation’s 25-year mission – to unify and elevate the field – realizing the tremendous value collaboration brings. Because when we work together, the entire Jewish camping movement is stronger.
Leaders Assembly 2022 was the largest ever
Increase of Day Camp Professionals in Attendance
Workshops Offered
First-time Attendees
Day and Overnight Camps Represented
Unique Presenters & Speakers
“The in-person networking and connections were invaluable–to be surrounded by 800+ individuals in the field of Jewish Camping was so helpful and a great experience. As an early career professional, this was my first and likely only opportunity for awhile to connect.”
-Camp Professional
“Gathering with the field was the highlight. It was so nourishing for me. I was inspired by the stories of the field and the resilience that we’ve exhibited.”
-Camp Professional
“There is nothing more important than Jewish camping for giving Jewish kids a strong sense of Jewish identity. The fact that over 800 people are here, emerging from the pandemic, says something about Jewish identity!”
-Skip Vichness
Being a camp director today is more complex than it was 10 – or 5 years ago. The role now requires a broader range of skills due to changing expectations from parents and stakeholders. In 2022, FJC launched the first cohort of the Camp Director Mentor Program supporting camp directors who have entered the field since 2020. In the first cohort 17 directors were paired with mentors (all graduates of FJC’s Executive Leadership Institute) for 10 months of 1:1 coaching and cohort support. Mentees received expert advice and support from a colleague and mentors received training and shared community as they developed mentoring skills. The overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants throughout the program led FJC to launch a second cohort for 2023, welcoming 26 mentees / mentors from across both day and overnight camps.  
In the fall of 2021, FJC convened a broad cross-section of the North American Jewish camp community to examine reasons for declining seasonal staff recruitment and retention rates and to recommend strategies to combat these trends systematically and collaboratively. In spring 2022 FJC awarded $500k in Talent Innovation Grants to 26 day and overnight camps. Grants ranged from $5k to $40k and included funds to be used towards piloting new recruitment ambassador programs, compensation structures, supervision training, and other staff morale boosting initiatives. Several camps were awarded funds to support hiring year-round professionals who would primarily be focused on the counselor experience, recruitment, and retention.
FJC partnered with several Federations to pilot regional leadership development and compensation incentive programs for camp staff. The Jewish Federation of Cleveland piloted the Mandel Myers Fellowship – an incentive-based leadership opportunity for camp staff from the Cleveland area. Camp staff received additional leadership training before, during and after camp from FJC, and an approx. $5000 academic scholarship for their participation. Â
Lessons from Talent Innovation Grants:
Focus on middle managers – happy supervisors = happy staff. Increased SSI (Staff Satisfaction Insights) satisfaction scores from summer 2021 to 2022 across the board at camps that focused on supervisor support and training, particularly in the categories of Providing Clear & Timely Feedback on Job Performance; Approachability of Supervisor; Providing Clear & Reasonable Expectations; Overall Satisfaction.
Staff want to feel seen/heard, and like they belong: Significant increase in SSI satisfaction scores in summer 2022 at camps that hired a senior staff person to focus on the staff experience, particularly in the areas of work environment, social environment and oOverall sSatisfaction.
Compensation – meaningful but not independent of training and skill building: Using the SSI survey, we found that Mandel Myers Fellows (who received $5k towards college scholarship and training) felt more prepared for their jobs (97% vs 75%); reported more opportunities for personal & professional growth (88% vs 71%) and ongoing support & professional development (70% vs 60%).
Utilize strategic partnerships: Ambassador programs can be an effective way to build camp community on campus in partnership with Hillel and can engage/reengage former campers to come back on staff.
“The program helped open my eyes to see that the skills that I’m learning and practicing as a camp counselor can be applicable in any job field.”
-Riley Peeden
The Cornerstone Fellowship, which celebrated its 20th season in 2022, provides participants with a cutting-edge, Jewish educational experience for themselves, and the skills to bring elements of that experience back to camp, their college campuses, and to the broader Jewish Community.
Since its inception in 2003, FJC and over 150 faculty educators and advisors have served over 5,692 participants including: 5,011 fellows (college-aged, veteran, camp counselors) and 729 supervisors (young adults and recent college graduates). While Cornerstone is FJC’s longest consecutive running program, annual adaptations and enhancements keep
Cornerstone ever-evolving and relevant to the population it serves. In 2022, we continued to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from Cornerstone participants about their experience. 92% of the 2022 fellows would recommend (or strongly recommend) participating in the Cornerstone fellowship to others at their camps.
“Cornerstone was truly one of the best experiences! I grew so much as a leader, specifically a Jewish leader, while also learning a lot about other Jewish summer camps and making new connections. I felt very welcomed and supported during the conference and throughout the summer and I recommend everyone should participate!”
–2022 Cornerstone Fellow
The Common Ground Fellowship, funded by UJA-Federation of New York, targets 14-16-year-old CITs across NY-area day camps. FJC staff and faculty provide teens with professional development and leadership training through an immersive kick-off event, and subsequent follow-up workshops throughout their summer at camp. The fellowship, now in its fourth year, (a) offers Judaism as an educational platform that teens of all faiths and backgrounds can learn from; (b) provides young teens with the skills needed for childcare, near-peer management, and basic communications; (c) illustrates transferable camp leadership skills to encourage employment in camp; (d) facilitates new and ongoing friendships and relationships across participating camps.
In 2021, 80 teens participated from 4 NY-area Jewish day camps and in 2022, 120 teens participated from 10 NY-area Jewish day camps.
200 Teens
participated in 2021& 2022 10 NY-area day camps represented
NY-area day camps represented
Camp professionals at all levels require ongoing support and professional development to not only be successful but thrive in the field. FJC is developing a comprehensive approach to support and assist camp leadership. This includes addressing the talent pipeline, training year-round professionals, implementing succession planning, continuing recruitment and retention work for seasonal staff, and collecting data and insights.
Building on the successful pilot of our Talent Innovation Grants, we aim to expand our talent innovation grants to fund new initiatives that improve the seasonal staff experience, increase staff recruitment and retention, include access to the e21 supervision program, employment of year-round and seasonal professionals focused on staff life at camp, and pilot new programs to support staff mental health.